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Structural member in a sentence

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Sentence count:23Posted:2020-11-03Updated:2020-11-03
Similar words: structuralstructurallyarchitectural structurenonstructuralnatural structurestructuralismstructuraliststructural geneMeaning: n. support that is a constituent part of any structure or building. 
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1. Numerical calculation to the temperature field of structural member and hyperstatic structure was also carried.
2. Light wood truss is a common structural member in light wood frame constructions, whose bearing capacity has a close relation with the safety performance of the whole structure.
3. Architectural curtain wall is not a structural member, but its safety is a structural problem.
4. The experimental study of steel structural member with a new type of cross section is presented.
5. A structural member for attaching fixed components to, or guiding movable components along.
6. Directed toward the feature of structural member reinforced by sticking stuff, the nonlinear analytical method of layered cross section is researched on the basis of assumption of plane cross section.
7. A method for forming such a multistable structural member (10), a multistable structure and a multistable assembly (3), having a plurality of multistable members are also disclosed.
8. A method of forming a structural member is also disclosed wherein an aqueous slurry of about 8-12 pounds of water is added to dry mix and sand.
9. The structural member having first and second sidewalls (62 and 68), each having an upper end and a lower end.
10. Disclosed is a multistable structural member (10), of use in various structural applications.
11. It gives a reference to engineering practice. The method was applicable for the structural member which is not bonded on bottom for obstructions underneath.
11. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
12. T 2 rotary awl cover is a kind of structural member that has been applied extensively.
13. The utility model discloses a structure for assembling combined steel, belonging to household goods, particularly a structural member for manufacturing indoor furniture.
14. The design that the analysis studies to also be complex part structural member and finite yuan the analysis provided a kind of means.
15. The foam glass tile of the present invention is strong enough that it can also be used as a structural member for a building.
16. So, how to convert the number of load data to the internal force and stress data of structural member are necessary and in urgent.
17. Both wood and fiberglass need special analysis procedures to predict the strength of a specific structural member .
18. Different similitude ratios are assigned to overall dimension and structural member′s section dimensions respectively, so as to cancel the gravity distortion effect.
19. This technique requires properly trained technicians to prepare the resin in the field, saturate the fabric with resin and apply it to the structural member.
20. The common way of designing the section of steel-structure axle-center pressed structural member is trying means or gradual approaching means.
21. This is of important significance for mine design, conduit assemble, structural member and computer aided design.
22. The reservoir is an article of property first, the assets of reservoir include certain waters, and structural member such as dam, dike and water gate.
23. Consequently, it is required to know the variation regularity of temperature field in the structural member and thermal stress in order to make thermal crack controlled.
More similar words: structuralstructurallyarchitectural structurenonstructuralnatural structurestructuralismstructuraliststructural genestructural steelstructural formulastructural analysisstructural engineeringstructural unemploymentoverall structurestructurestructuredsubstructurerestructurestructuringsuperstructureunstructuredword structurebody structuredata structurerestructuringstructurelesscell structurecost structurebasic structureclass structure
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